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Sponsor Us

Sponsoring us helps us put on as good of a show as we can and eases the load on the club. It's a great opportunity to show your support for the arts and get some marketing for your business!

Program Ads

A program is given to every audience member as they enter the theatre. With our plans you can purchase an ad of varying sizes. 


Social Media Shout Outs

Some plans include a thank you shout out which gets posted to our social media accounts. Our social media reaches 500+ accounts every week. 


Complimentary Tickets

Complimentary tickets are available with some packages and are great for you and your team. 


Promotional Materials

With the right packages you will get your logo displayed on promotional materials, or you can have your own promotional materials displayed in the lobby during our show. 

Thank you for considering sponsoring Laurier Musical Theatre!


Any amount helps!!!

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